The 3rd spiritual law of yoga is the Law of Karma, or Cause and Effect. It states that for every action we take a force of energy is returned to us in kind–as we sow, so we reap. In every moment you have access to unlimited choices. Some are made consciously, while most are made unconsciously. The best way to work with this law is to become consciously aware of the choices you make in every moment and to remember that your choices affect not just you but those around you, and there is a ripple effect that goes out from there.
On your yoga mat you can see how there is a reaction for every action you take. If you impatiently force yourself into a pose you’re not fully ready for, your body and mind will react, and the consequences of your straining will generate feelings of strain within you. On the other hand, when you move gracefully –and consciously– into the limits of each pose with an attitude of gentleness, your body and mind respond with effortlessness and ease.
So the next time you’re on your yoga mat, practice being fully present in the moment and making conscious choices that are good for your body. And then take that practice off your mat, and make conscious choices that are good for you and for all those around you.