This week my intention for our yoga classes here at The Yoga Room was to revitalize the major organs and systems in the body that aid in the detoxification process. Those major detox players are the lymph, blood, liver, kidneys, colon and parasympathetic nervous system. Lymph and blood deliver waste products to the liver, kidneys and digestive organs. There, those toxins are filtered and packaged so they can be eliminated through urine, sweat, exhalation and solid waste. An active parasympathetic nervous system supports these functions.
Our yoga sequences this week consisted of postures that increased circulation, massaging and twisting internal organs, and encouraging relaxation. There were several inverted postures which stimulate lymph and blood circulation as well as send new blood to the liver and kidneys to give them a rush of energy. We also saw lots of twists in our practice to increase blood circulation, squeeze our tissues and give our internal organs a nice massage. We used deep forward-bending postures to promote good digestion and help with elimination, as well as exposing the kidneys in the lower back to tone and massage them. Finally, we stimulated our parasympathetic nervous system, which helps activate the body’s relaxation response, through some nice restorative postures.
I hope all of you who joined in my classes this week left feeling a new-found sense of health and well-being!