For the final week of our Spring Cleaning session here at The Yoga Room, we worked with the yogic concept of Samskaras on our yoga mats. According to Michael Singer in the book The Untethered Soul, Samskara is a Sanskrit word meaning impression, and in the yogic teachings it is considered one of the most important influences affecting your life. A Samskara is a blockage, and impression from the past. It’s an unfinished energy pattern that ends up running your life.
Another good way to think about Samskaras is to think about when you get your buttons pushed. It’s usually not the person or situation right in front of you at that very moment that is making you upset. Instead, they have triggered some kind of emotional pain from your past that you never fully dealt with/processed/let go of/healed. That is a Samskara. In the book, the author tells us that when we feel these emotions being stimulated, we should choose to let go of them now. Smile, and be happy that this Samskara, which has been stored in your heart center for so long, has the opportunity to make it through you. Just open, relax your heart, forgive, do whatever you want. Just don’t push it back down.
I went into a lot more depth about Samskaras during my classes, but if you’d like to know more I’d encourage you to read The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer!