This week started off our 8 Habits of Love yoga session, based on the book of the same name by Ed Bacon. This chapter was about the Habit of Generosity, and spoke to the understanding that all our decisions and actions come from either a place of fear or a place of love. We can realize an immense release and freedom from fear if we can accept and perpetuate the belief that the Universe is kind and generous. We can practice letting go of worry about not having enough and that ‘scarcity mentality.’
After my Vinyasa yoga class this morning, one of my students shared a great story about the Habit of Generosity. She had recently gone to visit her 4 year old granddaughter in Boston, and they had made cookies. There were only a few left and my student suggested they mail some back to grandpa in Michigan. The granddaughter did not want to part with the few cookies left; she wanted them for herself. Finally, she was talked into sending the remaining cookies to grandpa. They walked to the post office to mail the cookies and then stopped at a coffee shop on the way home to get a cup of coffee for grandma. The woman behind the counter saw the 4-year old and remarked how cute she was and said, ‘Here, have a cookie!’ Gotta love how the Universe works.