The fourth spiritual law of yoga is the Law of Least Effort, which states that nature’s intelligence functions with effortless ease. Stated simply, the Law of Least Effort tells us that we can do less and accomplish more.
Yoga is the antidote to the prescription “no pain, no gain.” The greatest benefits of yoga come from relaxing into a pose, rather than forcing your body into it. So find the resistance point and, rather than muscling your way through this point, breathe into the resistance – soften and surrender.
To enliven the Law of Least Effort in your yoga practice and in your life, make a commitment to the following 3 steps:
1) Practice acceptance. During your yoga practice, accept your body the way it is. Although you may have intention for it to change in some way, accept that how it is now is exactly as it should be, because the universe is as it should be. Give up your need to struggle against the whole universe by struggling against this moment. By acknowledging each situation as it exists, you are in the best position to help evolve it to a new level.
2) Take responsibility for the challenge your are facing. I like to look at this as realizing that the Law of Least Effort doesn’t mean to just take the easy way out and coast through your practice, but to just challenge yourself appropriately.
3) Do not waste your life energy. Off your mat, don’t feel the need to defend your point of view or attempt to convince others. On your mat, use your energy efficiently. Find muscles that don’t need to be working. Find that balance between effort and ease.
Finally, whenever you find yourself forcing an outcome that is not ready to manifest, remember the Law of Least Effort. Commit yourself to this law and you will ceasing wasting your vital energy in friction and conflict. Liberated, this energy becomes available to you for creativity, personal growth and healing.