Have you found yourself cooking from home a lot more while under quarantine? Getting tired of eating the same old things and looking for a little inspiration? I thought I’d share some of the vegan meals my husband and I have been cooking over the past few weeks. While I’m a big fan of eating leftovers for lunch, and making a big pot of oatmeal on Mondays and eating it for breakfast the rest of the week (much to my husband’s chagrin), we do make dinners from scratch most evenings, and nicer breakfasts on the weekends. Here are some of the things we’ve been eating lately:
Tempeh Pot Pie – I got the recipe from friends over 20 years ago and I still use it. (The traditional recipe called for tofu, but I like tempeh better.) It is printed out on a piece of paper that is literally falling apart, and I have to guess what some of the amounts of ingredients are because the words are so faded. It does take some time to make, but it’s such great comfort food, especially when it’s cold outside.
Vegan Crab Cakes – My husband makes this one, and he thinks he “mashed it up” from a couple different vegan crab cake recipes he found online. A nice simple, elegant meal, wouldn’t you say?

Vegan Fish Tacos – These are a relatively new favorite for us. Check out the recipe HERE.
Lentil Kale Soup with Homemade Vegetable Broth – Another recipe I’ve been making for ages; I don’t think you can get any healthier than this soup! I shared the recipe before on my blog and posted about it on my Yoga Room Facebook page. I just recently started making my own vegetable broth for it after reading Cooking With Scraps, a book about how to reduce food waste, by Lindsay-Jean Hard, a food blogger from right here in Ann Arbor!

Lentil Chili – Lentils are such a powerhouse food and excellent protein for vegans! My lentil chili recipe is another old one, hand-written on a recipe card by my mother, that is still a favorite for cold weather months. Lots of leftovers for lunches! We like to mix in some brown rice to stretch it even further.
‘Kitchen Sink’ Fried Rice – Speaking of brown rice, we had some left over from the chili, so we went through the fridge and freezer and just threw in what we found–tofu, red pepper, purple cabbage, peas–with some garlic, onion, ginger, sesame oil and a little peanut butter. Great way to use up ingredients that are on their way out.

Just Egg Scramble with Turmeric Carrot Muffins (link) – Just Egg, which is made out of mung beans, is our favorite egg substitute. We doubt people would even realize it’s not real eggs! We like it in a scramble with veggies. We tried out these turmeric carrot muffins to go along with the scramble this time. Unique, yummy flavor!
Orange Cardamom Pancakes – I *love* cardamom so I was thrilled when we found this recipe! It wasn’t vegan, so we just subbed a flax egg and plant milk for the dairy versions. So good! Sorry, no picture for this one. My husband found the recipe “online someplace” so your best bet is just to Google it yourself if you want to try it out!
I hope these meals give you some inspiration and ideas. I’ll keep posting more as we keep cooking! In the meantime…what is everyone else making???