There is so much I wish I had known in my early 40s, at the beginning of my own perimenopause journey. I spent ten years doing a lot of research on the different symptoms I was experiencing, all the while thinking how nice it would’ve been if I could have found all this information in one place instead of having to spend so much time and effort asking people questions, reading books, searching the Internet, listening to podcasts, scheduling doctor’s appointments and on and on. So, to save other women a lot of time and energy, trial and error, I compiled that decade’s worth of research to create The Ultimate Perimenopause Guide. I hoped to empower women to pro-actively create a plan to navigate their perimenopause transition with more ease. I excitedly launched the Guide in the summer of 2022 knowing in my heart that this was going to be an invaluable resource for so many women. In all my years of research, I hadn’t found anything like it. I envisioned it being a kind of ‘grass roots’ guide, and asked other women if they would share it on social media. Sadly, it didn’t get a lot of shares, and therefore not a lot of sales. It was disappointing to say the least, because I knew there were women out there who could benefit greatly from this information. After all, I certainly had!
Fast forward to a year later: Imagine my surprise when I saw that none other than Oprah herself was marketing her own sort of menopause guide that was eerily similar to mine. (Great minds think alike?) Now, if you know me, you know I have loved Oprah since I was a teenager. So it was with mixed emotions that I watched her promotional video. She had all the same reasons for creating her menopause content that I had: when she was going through menopause there was nothing out there for her to learn from, she had to get answers from myriad places, and how therefore she wanted to put all the information that she thought was most helpful in one place, including what to expect, the lowdown on hormones, and lots more details she wished someone had given to her. Sound familiar? In a way, I felt validated. See, what Oprah and I know for sure is that other women do, in fact, need this information! In another way, I felt crestfallen. I can’t compete with Oprah!
I wish I could say that somehow Oprah found out about my Ultimate Perimenopause Guide, admired all the work I had put into it (including the bonus materials hers doesn’t have, like my Yoga sequences and meditations for hot flashes, insomnia and your 2nd Chakra), and decided to promote my guide instead of hers. We’d laugh about the coincidence on her lanai in Hawaii while sipping cocktails, talking about all the other things we have in common, and living our best lives.
I’m still going to put that dream out there but, in the meantime, I’ll just close by saying that what Oprah and I know for sure is that our (peri)menopause journeys would’ve been a heck of a lot easier if we had all the information in advance, in one place. So, you can get it from the Oprah mega-corporation, or you can support a woman small business owner whose life mission also happens to be helping people live their best lives. (I hope you’ll choose the latter!) Either way, if you’re a woman in your early 40s or up, you’re going to want this information. Take it from me–and Oprah.
If you’re ready to be pro-active about your health and wellbeing during your (peri)menopause journey, you can get the guide for only $19 for a limited time, and check out some practical insider tips for perimenopause in the Aging Gracefully section of my Wellness Blog.
P.S. Like Oprah, I also have a book club–and you’re welcome to join! Find out what kinds of books we read here.