Thanks to the eight volunteers who came out for our Annual Earth Day Project, sprucing up Hollywood Park next to Abbot Elementary School! We picked up trash and cut down invasive buckthorn and honeysuckle, then took a nice walk through the woods with our Natural Area Preservation leader and headed back to The Yoga Room …
Birthday Donation & How You Can Help
For my birthday this month I am making donations to two organizations I learned about while on my recent trip to Honduras. While in Roatan, my husband and I had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of two American couples–one that runs Casa de Ester, which is a safe house in the capital city of …
Block Party Muscle Release Workshop
We were giving ourselves lots of self-loving this Valentine’s weekend at our Block Party Muscle Release Workshop! We got into those chronically tight places with the help of cork yoga blocks. It hurt so good! :)
Sacred Gong Workshop with Billie Wahlen
Friday, January 17, 7-9pm Join us at the start of the New Year on an inward journey of healing and deep relaxation. This workshop will begin with some Kundalini yoga, chanting and discussion. Then, lying in Savasana (corpse pose), the group will be guided by the mystical healing tones of the Nibiru Gong on …
2013 Fall Yoga Retreat at Inn at the Rustic Gate
On September 27-29, 16 yogis and yoginis shared a weekend of beautiful weather, delicious food, great yoga and wonderful hospitality at The Yoga Room’s Annual Fall Yoga Retreat at Inn at the Rustic Gate in Big Rapids, MI. Highlights included Yin, Energy Flow, Partner & Ashtanga Yoga classes, lots of wildlife sightings (from snakes and …
Kundalini Yoga & Gong Workshop with Billie Wahlen
Tuesdays, October 15 & 22, 2013 7-8:15pm $15/class. Space is limited; pre-registration is required to reserve your spot. Kundalini Yoga consists of exercises or postures (Asana) combined with special breathing (Pranayama), hand and finger gestures (Mudra), body locks (Bhanda), chanting (Mantra) and meditation, together and in sequence to create exact and specific effects. Kundalini …
A Memorial Contribution and How You Can Help
As some of you know, one of my long-time yoga students passed away suddenly this past July of a brain aneurysm. Janice was an inspiration to me and to other students of The Yoga Room. (To read more about this adventurous woman, please click on the blog post I wrote about her here: One day …
For the final week of our ‘Wisdom from the Virtues Cards’ session, the card that I pulled from the deck was Truthfulness. Here’s a little of what it said: “Truth is the bedrock of integrity on which we build all our other virtues. It’s an ongoing commitment to live by what is real, authentic …
Our Virtue card this week in my yoga classes was Acceptance. I was very excited to actually find an image of the card online to share with you: Some things worth thinking about and reminding ourselves of, both on our mat and off!
Our virtue card this week was Humility. Humility is being modest, humble and unpretentious. We consider others’ views as important as our own. We willingly serve others and accept help when we need it. When we cause hurt, we have the humility to admit it and make amends. We accept the lessons life brings, knowing …