Many of you have asked to see pictures from my recent wedding at Jolly Pumpkin, so here you go! :)
The Water Element
This past week we focused on the Water Element in our yoga classes here at The Yoga Room. Our water energy is where we store our deepest emotions: thus, while it can create our deepest energetic blockages, it is also where we can find our best connections to our energetic and emotional self. The water …
Inn at the Rustic Gate – Fall Yoga Retreat 2012
Last weekend was our annual fall yoga retreat, hosted for the 2nd year by the very gracious innkeepers at Inn at the Rustic Gate near Big Rapids, MI. Thirteen yogis and yoginis enjoyed a variety of yoga classes–Yin, Energy Flow, Ashtanga, Partner Yoga & Thai Yoga Massage–and spent their free time walking and mountain-biking in …
Touching The Earth: Embodiment and Awakening
I wanted to share an interesting article by dharma teacher, psychologist and Yoga Room student Aura Glaser about Embodiment and Awakening. Very appropriate for we yoga practitioners!
The Fire Element
Last week we focused on the Fire Element in our yoga classes here at The Yoga Room. Fire is light and heat. Fire is transformative and is associated with willpower and creative force. Fire is connected with the south, the summer, and purification. In the body Fire is associated with the head, solar plexus and …
The Air Element
This past week’s classes focused on the Air Element. Air is lightness and movement. On a still, humid day we feel listless and heavy, while on a breezy day we feel refreshed and enlivened. If you are quick and alert and come up with lots of ideas and can be a great inspiration to others but …
Yoga Serves at The Home Grown Festival!
Thanks to our Yoga Serves volunteers Catherine, Christy, Bill, Colette, Rachel, Anne (not pictured), Joanne (not pictured) and Christina (not pictured) for helping out at The Home Grown Festival Saturday evening! We had a busy but fun time checking IDs and selling tickets at the ever-popular Michigan beer & wine tent!
The theme for our September-October class session here at The Yoga Room is The Five Elements. We began the session this week focusing on the element Ether. Ether is the prime element latent in all things, providing space and balance for all elements to unfold. Ether is essential to our sense of connectedness with …
Tonglen Meditation
The Tonglen meditation that we did at the end of classes this week is pretty intense, but one that can help us be more compassionate and empathetic. Tonglen can be done for those who are ill, those who are dying, or for those that are in pain of any kind. It can be done …
Loving-kindness Meditation
May I be filled with loving-kindness. May I be well. May I be peaceful and at ease. May I be happy. Then do the same meditation replacing the “I” with someone who loves and cares for you. Next, think of someone you may be having problems or difficulties with, allowing yourself to forgive that …