Here’s what’s playing this week in my classes… Vinyasa & Energy Flow classes:A mix of songs by Natacha Atlas and Azam Ali Hatha classes:A mix of songs from the albums ‘Om Yoga Mix, Part 2’ and ‘Nataraja’
The Yoga Room
Yoga Music Playlist – Week of 8/30/10
Here’s what’s playing this week in my classes: Hatha classes:Nadama & Shastro: ZeNotes Vinyasa & Energy Flow classes:Rasa: Union & Devotion mix
Lokah Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu
The mantra that I chose for this week reminds us that we don’t just do our yoga practice for ourselves, but for all beings. This mantra means:May this world be established with a sense of peace, well-being and happiness.It is an invocation for harmony and blessings for all of creation.So the next time you’re on …
Yoga Music Playlist – Week of 8/23/10
Here’s what’s playing this week: Hatha classes:A compilation called “Soundings of the Planet” Vinyasa & Energy Flow classes:Woman At The Well, Tim Story, Glass GreenTruly, Madly, Deeply, Ray LaMontagne, Till the Sun Turns BlackGódan daginn, Sigur Rós, Med sud i eyrum vid spilum endalaustLiving, Moby, Songs 1993-1998Une Annee Sans Lumiere, Arcade Fire, FuneralAnother Likely Story, …
Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo
The mantra that I chose for this week is actually used at the beginning of traditional Kundalini yoga practices to tune in to your highest self. It means “Infinite Creative Consciousness, I call upon you. Divine Wisdom Within, I call upon you.” I take this to mean that we all have our own inner wisdom, …
Yoga Music Playlist – Week of 8/16/10
Here’s what’s playing in my classes this week… Vinyasa & Energy Flow:Castles In The Sand, Unknown Guitarist, Sea Breeze Nagual, Michael Hewett, OM Yoga Mix Swadisthana , Vive, OM Yoga Mix, Pt. 2 Durga Shakti, Shaman’s Dream Project, Kerala Dream Aegean Dub, Jef Stott, 2008 Amazon Free Sampler Track 06, Azam Ali, Azam Ali Ishq …
Om Shrim Mahalakshmyai Namah Mantra
Reverence to the power of Sri, the great goddess Lakshmi! This mantra celebrates the power of Sri in the form of the Hindu goddess Lakshmi. The word simultaneously means prosperity, elegance, radiant power and sacredness. When you recognize the power of sri within you, it leads to contentment no matter what your circumstances. You’ll feel …
Yoga Music Playlist – Week of 8/2/10
Here’s what’s playing in my classes this week: Hatha classes:Sri, Various Artists, Nataraja: Compiled By Shiva Rea Kiss of Bliss, Jamie Lawerence & Steve Gorn, OM Yoga Mix, Pt. 2 Gentle Voice, Michael Hewett, OM Yoga Mix, Pt. 2 Durga Pahimam, Jai Uttal, Shakti Rhythms With Shiva Rea Ganesha, Wah!, NuTONE Music to Inspire: Sampler …
Adi Shakti Mantra for Security, Creativity & Abundance
This mantra invokes the primary Creative Power which is manifest in the feminine. It will help you to be free of personal insecurities which block freedom of action. It is a mantra of devotion to the Kundalini, the Mother of all energies, which is the life force stored at the base of the spine. Call …
Adi Shakti Mantra for Security, Creativity & AbundanceRead More
Yoga Music Playlist – Week of 7/26/10
This week I am playing select songs from Mantra Girl’s albums Truth and Trinity in all of my classes, including our ‘mantra for the week,’ her version of the Adi Shakti mantra.