My husband recently went out of town for a business trip, so I took the opportunity while he was gone to do a Personal Retreat. A personal retreat can look different for each person–you design it yourself, so you can let your creative juices flow–but ultimately it should include rest, rejuvenation and a connection to …
Yoga Resources
5 Reasons to (Re)Start a Home Yoga Practice
Even though the COVID pandemic is in the rear-view mirror and many yoga students have been happily attending group classes at their favorite yoga studios for a while now, there are some surprisingly good reasons to (re)start a home yoga practice right now–especially if you are an experienced yoga student. Read on to find out …
Balancing Your Sensual 2nd Chakra
[VIDEO INCLUDED] In anticipation of my upcoming Journey Through the Chakras Live+Virtual online yoga course that begins in January, I recently shared a blog post on How to Balance Your Root Chakra. Once you’ve cleared blockages and cultivated that stable foundation at your 1st Chakra you’re ready to move along in your journey and balance …
Why You Need to Start A Meditation Practice in the New Year
Feeling stressed out, reactive, and overwhelmed lately? Wouldn’t you like to feel more focused, productive and relaxed instead? Research shows that meditation can help. I know, I know, you’re too busy to meditate. You can’t sit still. It’s boring. You don’t know if you’re doing it right. Let me dispel some myths, give you some …
Why You Need to Start A Meditation Practice in the New YearRead More
How to Balance Your Root Chakra
Updated 2023 [VIDEO INCLUDED] The Chakras–or subtle energy centers within your body–are associated with particular functions in your body, as well as life issues and how you handle them. When you work with the ancient wisdom of these energy centers you can release physical and emotional blockages, gain insight into personal issues, and empower yourself …
Yoga and Your Feet
[VIDEO INCLUDED] I’ve been placing a special emphasis on the feet lately in the work I’m doing with some of my private clients. Let’s face it, for most of us, when it comes to the feet, it’s out of sight, out of mind. But the feet are our foundation–in yoga poses and in all our …
Yoga Poses for Seasonal Affective Disorder
Do you start to feel depressed, moody, or in a bit of a ‘funk’ around this time of year? If so, you’re not alone. For many people, Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD–a type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons–starts in the fall and continues into the winter months. Since the days are getting …
Yoga for HSPs: Advice from an HSP Yoga Teacher
If you’re a Highly Sensitive Person, yoga can be a wonderful way to calm your overstimulated nervous system. However, not all yoga classes are created equally in this regard. If you’re anything like me, you’ve walked away from a yoga class or two feeling exhausted and ‘jangly-nerved.’ (I’m looking at you, super-hot studios crammed wall-to-wall …
How to Exercise More Effectively During (Peri)menopause
Over the decade I’ve spent doing research on (peri)menopause, I’ve come across several recommendations from experts saying that as you move through this life transition your workout routine needs to change. In particular, the general consensus is that the length of your workouts should get shorter. Yes, you heard that right! Less exercise! Now that …
How to Exercise More Effectively During (Peri)menopauseRead More
Yin Yoga for Anxiety
[VIDEO INCLUDED] As so many of us continue to feel stress and anxiety with everything going on in the world lately, there is one style of yoga that really stands out for its soothing, calming qualities: Yin Yoga. (It is also a great style for my fellow HSPs and our sensitive nervous systems.) In my …