I get asked a lot of interesting questions by my students and clients. I’m guessing that if they have certain questions, you might have the same ones too. So I hope you enjoy my new (and perhaps occasional?) blog post, ‘Your Questions Answered!’
Q: Why do my joints make noises?
I learned the answer to this question in one of the Continuing Education classes I have taken. Joint noise is extremely common. There is even a name for it: crepitus. The noises happen when muscles and tendons move over each other or over bones. Popping sounds are air bubbles forming in synovial fluid. Although the grinding or grating sensations you feel may seem disconcerting, they are actually harmless. If you’re not feeling any pain, don’t worry about the noises.
Q: Do you have any suggestions for skincare? You have a lot of wisdom, so I thought I would ask!
Here’s my advice in a nutshell:
- Lots of water – at least 64oz a day
- Healthy, unprocessed, plant-based foods
- Minimal (or no) make-up
- Moisturize with oil (coconut or sesame, per Ayurveda, the ‘sister science’ of yoga)
- Minimize stress
I noticed when I really cleaned up my diet 25 years ago (went vegetarian and ate more fruits and veggies, plus minimal alcohol) that I really never had issues with my skin afterwards. I do tend toward dry skin, and should be better about doing Ayurvedic self-massage more often over my whole body, especially during the winter, but I tend to focus mostly on my face because it’s easiest and that’s what people see the most! Hope this helps! (By the way, did you know that one of the Mini Retreats I offer is a Yoga + Ayurveda Mini Retreat that–among other things–includes an Ayurvedic self-massage?
Q: I just had bloodwork done and the results were really surprising. I’ve been vegan since 2018 and don’t eat any junk food… barely drink beer. Some of my cholesterol levels were “high” and also my thyroid level was above normal. Do you know (from your research into menopause) if menopause affects thyroid and cholesterol?
I’ve had similar surprises getting my bloodwork panels done in my early 50s. I eat healthier than anybody I know, exercise regularly, meditate, have worked a lot on lowering stress (not easy for HSP/neurodivergent people who have more overactive nervous systems)—but I have somewhat high cholesterol and hemoglobin A1C (a pre-diabetic marker). From what I understand, a big part of it has to do with genetics (thanks family!), but yes, I absolutely think a lack of estrogen plays a bigger role in women’s health during menopause than most health care professionals acknowledge. (I have a whole section on estrogen-related symptoms in my Ultimate (Peri)menopause Guide.) Some of my doctors have said that my numbers “aren’t that bad” but considering everything I do it’s still disappointing. Hopefully that helps you feel a little better knowing you’re not alone.
Q: As we work on lengthening our spine, does that help it not to shrink anymore? I think I’m going to have to sing that old song “Dry Bones” for me!
Yes, ideally! Not just the lengthening, but all the seven movements of the spine we do in our ‘7 Weeks to Better Posture’ online yoga course (and really all of my Online Yoga Courses) will help because you’re keeping the discs between each of your vertebrae hydrated by moving them. And then strengthening all the muscles around your spine, like I make sure my students do all the time in yoga classes, will help hold things in that lengthened state (again, ideally—you have to stay mindful about it and never stop doing yoga. ;)
Do you have yoga or wellness questions you’d like to get my take on? Send me a note here!