Do you have text neck? If you’re leaning over your phone right now to read this, chances are you do!
Did you know that shoulder tension happens more because our head is not positioned correctly on top of shoulders (forward head) versus from stress? The first sign of posture deterioration — forward head, or ‘text neck’ – is shortness in the front of the neck, chest and upper abs. We get this from so much looking down, at our phones, in particular. The muscles in our back then become overstretched and weak. This can cause decreased lung capacity, headaches, neck pain and jaw problems. I go in-depth into this topic with yoga sequences for Text Neck in my 7 Weeks to Better Posture online yoga course that focus on this issue and what you can do to prevent or correct it. (I also love working with people privately who want to improve their posture.)
Text neck is a very real and concerning phenomena in this day and age. I encourage you to be more aware of it and make adjustments in your body as needed so that you don’t end up with that ‘dowager’s hump’ as you get older. (Or, for those of you who prefer to spend more time reading books than scrolling on your phone, I also more aptly call this ‘Bookworm Neck!’) Sign up for my next 7 Weeks to Better Posture online yoga course to learn how to stretch what’s tight and strengthen what’s weak, or start making some postural adjustments on your own by using the tips in my blog post 6 Easy Steps to Improve Your Posture.
My next Better Posture course begins in September. Subscribe to my newsletter to get the details!