Last week we focused on the Fire Element in our yoga classes here at The Yoga Room. Fire is light and heat. Fire is transformative and is associated with willpower and creative force. Fire is connected with the south, the summer, and purification. In the body Fire is associated with the head, solar plexus and …
Conscious Lifestyle
The theme for our September-October class session here at The Yoga Room is The Five Elements. We began the session this week focusing on the element Ether. Ether is the prime element latent in all things, providing space and balance for all elements to unfold. Ether is essential to our sense of connectedness with …
Tonglen Meditation
The Tonglen meditation that we did at the end of classes this week is pretty intense, but one that can help us be more compassionate and empathetic. Tonglen can be done for those who are ill, those who are dying, or for those that are in pain of any kind. It can be done …
Loving-kindness Meditation
May I be filled with loving-kindness. May I be well. May I be peaceful and at ease. May I be happy. Then do the same meditation replacing the “I” with someone who loves and cares for you. Next, think of someone you may be having problems or difficulties with, allowing yourself to forgive that …
What is Meditation?
From author and Omega Institute co-founder Elizabeth Lesser: “We come to meditation feeling that parts of our life are difficult and that perhaps a meditation practice will make them less so. We want relief now. But that is not how meditation works. The desire for peace and happiness is noble; the expectation of instant …
Lake Meditation
Imagine the clear smooth surface of a lake. When you look into its surface, all is reflected just as it is. The water reflects only what is there, not adding anything, not subtracting anything. Once the image is gone, there are no traces left. Then imagine your mind as clear and reflective as the water. …
Mountain Meditation
I’ve been asked to post the meditations that we’re doing at the end of class each week on my blog. Here is the Mountain Meditation from last week, which is good for anxiety and stress in particular: Visualize a mountain, how solid and stable it is, in the face of the ever-changing weather and environment. …
Check out Flow the Flim
A documentary worth watching, especially if you are a bottled water drinker who wants to know more about where the water you drink actually comes from. There is an interesting piece about the Nestle Corp, and how they have been taking groundwater from right here in Michigan, for free, to bottle and sell for billions …
Meditations from the Mat – Letting Go
Some of you asked if I could type out the reading I shared this week in my classes, where our intention was using our yoga practice to let go. It is from the book Meditations from the Mat. Here it is… “To begin, we let go. We let go of our thoughts, our old scripts, our …