Do you sit at a desk or work on a computer all day? Are you looking down at your phone right now to read this? Are you neck, shoulders, or back killing you? Are you feeling and seeing the effects of aging in your body, ie. hunched shoulders or osteoporosis? Our posture affects everything: our …
Yoga Resources
7 Reasons Why Balance Becomes More Difficult As We Age
Updated April 2024 If you’re over 40, you’ve probably observed that your balance just isn’t what it used to be. For me, it started with noticing how much more unsteady I felt in my Warrior 3 poses. I know some of you can relate! So why does balance become more difficult as we age? Here …
7 Reasons Why Balance Becomes More Difficult As We AgeRead More
NEW Chakra Yoga Audio Sessions!!!
I’ve gotten lots of requests over the years for audio sessions of my popular ‘Journey Through the Chakras’ 8-week session. Here they finally are! Explore the physical and emotional aspects of each chakra–or energy center–in your body and use these 1 hour ‘slow flow’ sessions to clear energy blockages and regain balance in your …
March-April Yoga Immersion: Healthy Eating
Yoga can help us transform many aspects of our life, including our diet. It helps us cultivate mindfulness so that we look at what we eat in a new light, and notice how different foods affect our energy & health. Yoga also nurtures a greater awareness of the ethical and environmental implications of …
Spring Cleaning, Week 3: Tapas & Agni
This post was edited March 2022 to add more content. Sorry, no, I’m not talking about spanish food! The tapas I am referring to here is the discipline, effort, challenge or sometimes even hardship that we go through for the sake of change, growth or to move forward. It is a fiery resolve, pointed strength, …
The Law of Pure Potentiality
The first spiritual law of of yoga is the Law of Pure Potentiality, which states that at the core of your being you are pure awareness. This is your essential nature, your true Self. Your ego is not your essential nature. It is not who you really are. Your ego is your social mask, the …
Lake Meditation
Imagine the clear smooth surface of a lake. When you look into its surface, all is reflected just as it is. The water reflects only what is there, not adding anything, not subtracting anything. Once the image is gone, there are no traces left. Then imagine your mind as clear and reflective as the water. …
Mountain Meditation
I’ve been asked to post the meditations that we’re doing at the end of class each week on my blog. Here is the Mountain Meditation from last week, which is good for anxiety and stress in particular: Visualize a mountain, how solid and stable it is, in the face of the ever-changing weather and environment. …
Adi Shakti Mantra for Security, Creativity & Abundance
This mantra invokes the primary Creative Power which is manifest in the feminine. It will help you to be free of personal insecurities which block freedom of action. It is a mantra of devotion to the Kundalini, the Mother of all energies, which is the life force stored at the base of the spine. Call …
Adi Shakti Mantra for Security, Creativity & AbundanceRead More